Grouped Assertions In JUnit 5 – Tutorial With Examples

By Sruthy

By Sruthy

Sruthy, with her 10+ years of experience, is a dynamic professional who seamlessly blends her creative soul with technical prowess. With a Technical Degree in Graphics Design and Communications and a Bachelor’s Degree in Electronics and Communication, she brings a unique combination of artistic flair…

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Updated November 17, 2024

Explore Grouped Assertions In JUnit 5 With Examples:

In our previous tutorial, we explored an important aspect of JUnit called Assertion. Along with the introduction to assertions, we learned the implementation of most of the assert functions for JUnit 4 and for JUnit 5.

Here on, we shall extend our knowledge on assertions to deep dive into it. In this tutorial, we shall learn about Grouped assertions.

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Grouped Assertions In JUnit 5

Grouped Assertions in JUnit 5

JUnit 5 supports an additional feature called Grouped assertions. When you have to execute multiple assertions together and in turn, get one consolidated report, then grouped assertion comes to your rescue. The assertion method – assertAll () facilitates this feature.

There are 6 versions of assertAll methods:

Method variationsDescription
static void assertAll (String heading, Collection executables)Verifies that no exception is thrown by all the executables of type Collection provided as input parameter
static void assertAll (String heading, Stream executables)Verifies that no exception is thrown by all the assert functions of different Stream provided as input parameter
static void assertAll (String heading, Executable... executables)Verifies that no exception is thrown by all the supplied executables provided as input parameter
static void assertAll (Collection executables)Verifies that no exception is thrown by all the executables of type Collection provided as input parameter. This method doesn’t include header as the parameter
static void assertAll (Stream executables)Verifies that no exception is thrown by all the supplied executables of different streams provided as input parameter. This method doesn’t include header as the parameter
static void assertAll (Executable... executables)Verifies that no exception is thrown by all the supplied executable. This method doesn’t include header as the parameter

Grouped Assertions With Heading As Parameter

Example 1:

Here is an example where assertEquals () and assertIterableEquals () are grouped together using the method assertAll (). It consists of the heading parameter with the value “GroupedAssertionHeading”.

class JUnit5Assertion1 {	
	 public void groupedAssertionTest () { 
		               float a=(float) 1.2;
			float b=(float) 1.2;
			float delta=(float) 1.0;
		    Iterable<String> expectedList = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList("First", "Two",
		    Iterable<String> actualList = new ArrayList<> (Arrays.asList("First", "Two",
		    assertAll (
		    () -> assertEquals (a, b, delta, "assert with delta"),
		    () -> assertIterableEquals (expectedList, actualList)


Result :

As both asserts are passed, the final result passes.

Failure Trace

Example 2:

Here the same example is modified in such a way that assertIterableEquals () fails:

class JUnit5Assertion1 {	
	 public void groupedAssertionTest () { 
		               float a=(float) 1.2;
			float b=(float) 1.2;
			float delta=(float) 1.0;
		    Iterable<String> expectedList = new ArrayList<> (Arrays.asList("First", "Five", "Third"));
		    Iterable<String> actualList = new ArrayList<> (Arrays.asList("First", "Two", "Third"));
		    assertAll (
		    () -> assertEquals (a, b, delta, "assert with delta"),
		    () -> assertIterableEquals (expectedList, actualList)



As one of the assert in the group fails, instead of AssertionFailureError it results in MultipleFailuresError thereby displaying the heading of the grouped assertion passed as the input parameter i.e. GroupedAssertionHeading in this example.


Grouped Assertions Without Heading As Parameter

The assertAll () can be implemented without using the heading parameter. The below example shows an implementation of grouped assertion using no heading parameter.

class JUnit5Assertion1 {	
	 public void groupedAssertionTest () { 
		               float a=(float) 1.2;
			float b=(float) 1.2;
			float delta=(float) 1.0;
		    Iterable<String> expectedList = new ArrayList<> (Arrays.asList("In", "Five", "Lane"));
		    Iterable<String> actualList = new ArrayList<> (Arrays.asList("In", "Two", "Lane"));
		    assertAll (
		    () -> assertEquals (a, b, delta, "assert with delta"),
		    () -> assertIterableEquals (expectedList, actualList)



The result displays without heading.

result displays without heading

Nested Or Dependent Grouped Assertions

In the above pointers 2 and 3, we saw the implementation of group assertions. We were able to use multiple assert methods under one assertAll () function.

Likewise, there is a variation to its implementation, too.

Grouping of grouped assertions is also a possible feature under JUnit 5 which is alternatively called “Nested Grouped Assertions” or “Dependent Grouped Assertions”.

  • To clarify this in a layman language, one assertAll() is considered as one independent grouped assertion.
  • When one assertAll() includes one or more assertAll() then these are referred to as a nested grouped assertions.

Examples For Implementation Of Nested Assertions

Let us practically understand, how this is implemented:

Example 1:

Here, we are using two program files:

  1. file – A java class file with getter and setter functions.
  2. – A JUnit 5 class file that calls the constructor for the Employee class file and also implements the nested grouped assertion.
  3. The first assert to validate that the employee name fetched is not null and the internal or nested assert is to validate that the employee code is as expected code. In this example, both the asserts result in a pass hence the final test status passes.

Code For

package junit5assert;
public class Employee {
	public String ename;
	 public int empcode;

	 public Employee (String ename, int empcode) {
	  this.ename = ename;
	  this.empcode = empcode;

	 public String getEname() {
	  return ename;

	 public void setEname(String ename) {
	  this.ename = ename;

	 public int getEcode() {
	  return empcode;

	 public void setEcode(int empcode) {
	  this.empcode = empcode;

Code for

package junit5assert;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;

class JUnit5Assertion1 {
	String ename;
	int ecode;
	String name=null;
	 public void dependentGrpAssert() { 
		Employee emp=new Employee("Nidhi Singh",1028838);
				() -> {	
							() -> {
								assertEquals (1028838,1028838);
					); //end of inner assertAll ();
		) ;//end of outer assertAll ();	


Code for

Example 2:

In this example, the internal assertion for emp code fails. We see that the outer assert will execute and pass however the internal assert will fail and result in ‘MultipleFailuresError” by marking both the assertions as failed and keeping the number of failures as 1.

import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;

class JUnit5Assertion1 {
	String ename;
	int ecode;
	String name=null;
	 public void dependentGrpAssert() { 
		Employee emp=new Employee("Nidhi Singh",1028838);
				() -> {	
							() -> {


internal assertion for emp code

Example 3:

In this example, the external assertion for employee code should fail as the employee’s name returns null. Despite that, the inner assert should pass as the actual employee code matches the expected code, and the internal assert is never executed.

So, the inference is that if the external assert fails, it skips all its dependent or internally grouped assertions during execution.

import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;

class JUnit5Assertion1 {
	String ename;
	int ecode;
	String name=null;
	 public void dependentGrpAssert() { 	 
		Employee emp=new Employee("Nidhi Singh",1028838);	
				() -> {	
							() -> {
					); //end of inner assertAll();
		);//end of outer assertAll();	


As per the result, the outer grouped assertion with the heading ValidateEmpNameNotNull fails and skips the execution of the inner grouped assertion with the heading ValidateEmpCode skips for execution. This is why 1 failure is reported for external assertion.

Nested Grouped Assertions Example

When Do We Use Nested Grouped Assertions?

For independent test cases, the usual independent assertion could be used.

Having independent assertion in place will have a couple of the following benefits:

  1. It will make sure that each of the assert functions is tested separately and independently.
  2. In this case, if one assert function fails, the system will execute the next assertion and so on.
  3. The system shall run all the assertions one by one.
  4. So, basically, this approach would succeed where unit testing would work.

We could now be curious about how do we decide when to use nested grouped assertions.

We could use nested grouped assertions in the below scenarios:

  1. When one or more test cases are dependent on the other.
  2. OR when the assertion result of one assert statement is the deciding factor for another assert statement in the code.

With grouped assertions, given below is the code flow in brief:

  1. If the first assert method passes then the next assert function is executed until the last assert function in the external or parent group.
  2. If any of the assets from the external group fails, it skips the run for internal or nested grouped assertions.
  3. else If the external group collectively passes, then the internal group executes by picking each assert one by one.

The simplest example for the nested assertion would be to have:

    • ValidateInsuredName assertion to validate that the Insured Name and the Customer number are both not null.
    • This is nested with ValidateAddress assertion where asserts are applied to validate address line1, city, state, and the Pincode are not null.
    • These could be mandatory values and cannot be null and the test case may need to be stopped in case any of these fields are null.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q #1) Which is the platform of JUnit that supports Grouped Assertions?

Answer: JUnit Jupiter platform under JUnit 5 supports grouped assertions. Hence, the package that allows the addition of assertAll () in the junit program code is org.junit.jupiter.api

Also, reiterating that JUnit 4 doesn’t support Grouped Assertion or assertAll () method.

Q #2) What errors are displayed when assertions fail on execution?

Answer: When the usual independent assertions are used, AssertionFailureError is thrown upon failure on execution whereas when grouped assertions are run, the system throws MultipleFailuresError.

Q #3) Can you provide an example of the usage of grouped assertions in your automation scripts using Selenium or TestComplete or any other automation tool with Java language and JUnit framework?

Answer: An elementary example for the usage of grouped assertions in our automation scripts using any automation tool with Java and JUnit would be to include the test cases with grouped assertion to validate that the respective page title, and the respective page URL it navigates to equal the expected value.

This is just one such example, however, there could be many instances where grouped assertion can be helpful to use during automation scripting.


We did extensive learning around the grouped assertions solely supported by JUnit 5. We learned the concept of nested grouped assertion and the programmatic implementation of grouped and nested assertions through various examples.

We also tried to address quite a few frequently asked questions on grouped assertions. So, do stick to this tutorial until we come up with the yet bigger knowledge pool for the JUnit series.

=> Check ALL JUnit Tutorials Here

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