This tutorial explains various conditional statements in VBA such as If, Else-If, If-Then, Nested If, And Select Case with examples:
Often while designing a code we are bound to verify functionalities based on certain conditions and make decisions according to the output of the conditional statement.
In this tutorial, we will understand the various conditional statements, If. Then, If…Then…Else, ElseIf, Nested If and Select Case provided by VBA to perform comparisons.
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Table of Contents:
Conditional Statements In VBA
Before we proceed, let’s first understand what conditional statements are? and see why we use them?
Conditional Statements are used in programming languages to perform a set of actions depending on the condition specified by the programmer that evaluates to true or false.
These are mainly used to decide the execution flow. If the condition evaluates to true, execute a certain set of actions and if the condition evaluates to false then perform another set of actions.
Types Of Conditional Statements
Sl.No | Conditional Statement | Description |
1 | If…Then | Set of statements are executed only if the condition is true. |
2 | If.. Then…Else | Set of statements under If block are executed If the condition is true otherwise statements under else block will be executed. |
3 | If..ElseIf | Each Else block if again have a conditional statement based on which the statements will be executed. |
4 | Nested Ifs | Placing an If statement inside another if statement. |
5 | Select Case | Each case statement will have a variable value, based on the selection value mentioned in the select case statement, appropriate case will be executed. |
IF Statements
If statements execute a set of actions depending on the condition. If the condition evaluates to true then the code mentioned in the If block will be executed.
If condition Then [statements] End If
Condition: This is the required field. Based on the Boolean result of this condition the action will be performed. If the result is true then the statements in the If block will be executed.
If the condition is Null then it is treated as False.
Statements: This set of actions will be performed if the condition is true.
Flow Diagram
Once the code enters the conditional statement, the expression is verified. If the condition returns true then a set of activities defined under the if block is executed, but if the condition returns false then the program will not enter the if block.
Hence the if block statements are skipped and are never executed. The program directly goes to the line after the End If statement.
Note: To write VB Code Open Microsoft Excel (supported version Excel 2007,2010, 2013, 2016, 2019), navigate to Developer Tab -> Visual Basic (Alternatively use shortcut Alt+F11). In the VB editor, click on Insert -> Module.
Option Explicit Sub ifExample() Dim Obtained_Marks, Total_Marks As Integer Obtained_Marks = 100 Total_Marks = 100 If (Obtained_Marks = Total_Marks) Then MsgBox "Student obtained a perfect score" End If Debug.Print "Results Published" End Sub
Note: To execute the code, click on F5 or hit the run button on the toolbar.
The output from the above code will be a msgbox as shown below and whether the condition is true or false “Result Published” will be printed in the immediate window.
IF… Then… Else Statements
If the condition returns a boolean true, then the set of actions defined under the if block will be executed but if the conditional expression returns a boolean false then the statements under the else block will be executed.
If (condition) Then [ Statement (s) ] Else [Statement(s)] End If
Flow Diagram
Once the code reaches the conditional statement, it evaluates the value of the expression. The If-block is executed if the condition is true and the Else block is executed if the condition is false. It is not possible to execute both the If and Else blocks in a single run.
Sub ifElseExample() Dim Obtained_Marks, Passing_Marks As Integer Obtained_Marks = 35 Passing_Marks = 35 If (Obtained_Marks >= Passing_Marks) Then MsgBox "Student has passed the exam" Else MsgBox "Student did not clear the exam" End If End Sub
The output from the above code is given below
ElseIF Statements
To test a second condition we can add ElseIf statements to a simple If..Then..Else. An If statement is allowed to be followed by multiple ElseIf statements each consisting of a conditional statement.
If(condition) Then [Statement(s)] ElseIf (condition)Then [Statement (s)] End If End If
Flow Diagram
Once the code reaches the conditional expression, it evaluates either to True or False. If the condition is true then the statements under the 1st IF block will be executed and the control exists in the conditional block, but if the expression returns false then the control will enter the 2nd conditional expressions and repeats the process.
Sub ifElseifExample() Dim Obtained_Marks, Passing_Marks As Integer Obtained_Marks = 60 Passing_Marks = 35 If (Obtained_Marks < Passing_Marks) Then MsgBox "Student did not clear the exam" ElseIf (Obtained_Marks >= 60) Then MsgBox "Student has cleared the exam with firstclass" Else Msgbox “Student passed with second class” End If End Sub
Output from the above code is given below:
Nested IF Statements
VBA allows us to place control statements inside another control statement.
Example: Placing an If statement inside another if statement. This procedure of placing one control statement within another is called to be nested.
Control structures in VBA can be nested to as many levels as you wish. By intending the body of each control statement, it will be better readable.
If (condition) Then Statement(s) If(condition) Then Statement(s) ElseIf (condition) Then Statement(s) Else Statement(s) End If Else Statement(s) End If
Sub NestedIFExample() Dim Obtained_Marks Obtained_Marks = 67 If (Obtained_Marks > 0) Then If (Obtained_Marks = 100) Then MsgBox "Student has got a perfect score" ElseIf (Obtained_Marks >= 60) Then MsgBox "Student has cleared the exam with first class" ElseIf (Obtained_Marks >= 50) Then MsgBox "Student cleared the exam with second class" ElseIf (Obtained_Marks >= 35) Then MsgBox "Student has cleared" Else MsgBox " Student did not clear the exam" End If ElseIf (Obtained_Marks = 0) Then MsgBox "Student scrored a zero)" Else MsgBox "student did not attend the exam" End If End Sub
Select Case
From the above nested if statement we have seen how cumbersome it is to deal with multiple if..else statements. If you misplace a single If or Else then it is difficult to debug and hence it is more error-prone. To deal with such a problem we can use Select Case.
In Select Case, you can enter the block of code to be executed under a particular case statement. Each case statement will have a variable value to identify. Before we begin the execution, we have to specify which case is to be executed by entering the variable value in the Select Case Statement.
Select Case testexpression [ Case expressionlist-n ] [ statements-n ]] [ Case Else ] [ elsestatements ] End Select
Select Case has a 3 part syntax:
- Testexpression: Mandatory field and takes any numeric or string expression as input.
- expressionlist-n: List of expressions using which the appropriate case will be selected.
- statements-n: Set of actions performed if the test expression matches the case expression list.
- elsestatements: Set of actions to be executed if the test expression does not match any of the case statements.
Let’s rewrite the above example in a Select Case instead of using a nested If.
Sub selectExample() Dim marks As Integer marks = InputBox("Enter Total Marks") Select Case marks Case 100 MsgBox "Perfect score" Case 60 To 99 MsgBox "First Class" Case 50 To 59 MsgBox "Second class" Case 35 To 49 MsgBox "Pass" Case 1 To 34 MsgBox "Not Cleared" Case 0 MsgBox "Scored zero" Case Else MsgBox "Did not attend the exam" End Select End Sub
As you can see, this is so easy to read and can include any number of case statements without the need to worry about matching the IF and Else statements
Now let’s build a simple calculator to perform Add, Sub, Product & Divide and understand Select case which works even for operators.
Private Sub Compute_Click() Dim no1, no2 As Integer Dim op As String no1 = InputBox("Enter 1st numbers") no2 = InputBox("Enter 2nd number") op = InputBox("Enter Operator") Select Case op Case "+" MsgBox " Sum of " & no1 & " and " & no2 & " is " & no1 + no2 Case "-" MsgBox " Difference of " & no1 & " and " & no2 & " is " & no1 - no2 Case "*" MsgBox " Product of " & no1 & " and " & no2 & " is " & no1 * no2 Case "/" MsgBox " Division of " & no1 & " and " & no2 & " is " & no1 / no2 Case Else MsgBox " Operator is not valid" End Select End Sub
In this example, we have taken 2 integer values and one Operator. Depending on which operator the user enters, the appropriate case will be executed. If the user enters an operator which is not a part of any of the case statement, then the Case Else will be executed.
Else case is used to execute when there is no match found. Though it is not mandatory to include an else clause, it is recommended to have an else case to handle any unforeseen expression values.
The output from all the operators and an invalid operator is shown below.
Q #1) How do I write an If statement in VBA?
Answer: If the statement executes a set of statements under an If block only if the conditional expression returns true, otherwise the control will go to the line after the End If.
If(condition) Then [ Statement] End If
Q #2) How do I use multiple IF statements in VBA?
Answer: Multiple IF statements can be created using the below syntax.
If(condition) Then [Statement(s)] ElseIf (condition)Then [Statement (s)] End If End If
While using multiple if statements it is recommended to intend the code properly to avoid confusion with multiple if statements.
Q #3) How do I end an If statement in VBA?
Answer: If the statement has to be ended with an End If statement otherwise you end get a compiler error saying “Block If without End If”.
If(condition) Then [ Statement] End If
Q #4) How do you end Sub inside an if statement?
Answer: You can exit a Sub, by using the Exit Sub command.
If we insert an Exit Sub inside an if statement, the control comes out of the Sub procedure. Similarly, we can use the Exit Function to come out of the Function.
Sub f() Dim i As Integer i = 5 If i = 5 Then Exit Sub End If End Sub
In this tutorial, we have learned the different conditional statements like If..Then statements, If..Then..Else, ElseIf, Nested If, and Select Case statements,
These conditional statements that VBA provides will help us in making a decision and perform an appropriate set of actions.
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