How to Prepare and Deliver an Outstanding QA Testing Presentation to the Team

Deliver an Outstanding QA Testing Presentation

If you have doubts about how to prepare and deliver an effective QA testing presentation to your team, make sure to read this article till the end. 

Presenting your knowledge, experience or simply sharing useful information is neither an art nor magic. In fact, it is a skill developed through practice and lots of exposure to a real-time audience.

Your idea should reach through to the audience, not just the slides or the data that you present. It should not only help them understand but must compel them to implement the process or idea and see its value.

QA needs technical knowledge and out-of-box creative thinking to be successful and demonstrations, meetings and presentations are critical to share knowledge and stay current.

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DevOps Testing Tutorial: How DevOps will Impact QA Testing?

How DevOps will Impact QA

DevOps Testing Tutorial: A recent RightScale survey has found that 54% of the companies have adopted DevOps and the interest around DevOps is increasing rapidly.

In this article, we will learn how this new Software Development methodology will impact QA and how the QA function as a whole should evolve to embrace this change.

          Check out => Complete DevOps Tutorial Series

In this article, we will learn more about DevOps and how it will impact QA and its functions.

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Leadership in Testing – Test Lead Responsibilities and How to Manage Test Team Effectively

Leadership in Testing

An exclusive guide on Leadership in Testing to brief the key responsibilities of a Test lead. Clearly understand how to manage a test team effectively with expert tips:

The importance of testers and testing teams has been established again.

An application or product’s success is largely attributed to efficient and effective testing techniques that form the basis for valid bug exposure.

A Test team can comprise individuals having varying skill levels, experience levels, expertise levels, different attitudes, and different expectations/interests levels. The attributes of all these different resources need to be tapped rightly, to maximize quality.

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What Should Be Your Expectations From the QA Team Lead?

qa team lead

In this article, we will understand your expectations from the QA Team Lead. Let’s get started.

When a topic, especially a process-based one (For example: Creating a traceability matrix or test documentation review, etc) is discussed, the immediate question I get is: “Who does this? The QA lead or the team member”

This is proof that beginners often have a difficult time understanding the scope of work, roles and responsibilities. They only have a vague idea and are looking for ways to validate if their understanding is accurate or not.

Also, if you are thinking this is only an issue for newcomers, you are wrong. A number of managers/leads/coordinators also find the role definition/delegation of work to be an issue due to lack of clarity in this area. What to do themselves and what to delegate is often a dilemma for the QA leads.

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Team Building in Software Testing – How to Build and Grow Your QA Team

Team Building in Software Testing

Just like software development, software testing also requires some important factors to develop and maintain that can contribute to continuous process improvement.

One such significant factor is Team Building. While building the right team, the focus should be on certain key elements like Roles & Responsibilities, Knowledge Transfer, Domain Knowledge, Career Ladder, Technical & Domain Certification, Team Dynamics & Group Outings, etc.

Let’s explore every key element in detail. In the further sections, we will dive deep to understand the ways to form an effective test team and see how we can build a successful QA team.

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