Bugzilla Tutorial: Defect Management Tool Hands-on Tutorial

Bugzilla Defect Management Tool

Bugzilla is an open-source Bug tracking tool. Many companies are using this open-source tool for managing the software development process.

Bugzilla is a defect/bug tracking tool. Defect tracking systems allow developers and testers to track all the outstanding defects. Bugzilla can be linked to other testing tools like JIRA, QC or ALM, etc.

Bugzilla is developed in Perl and runs on an MYSQL server.

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Some Interesting Software Testing Interview Questions

Software Testing Interview Questions.

This Tutorial Answers Some of the Most Frequently Asked Software Testing Interview Questions.

The software testing industry is as huge as an ocean and with a software testing interview, we cannot even imagine how tough and complicated the questions would be.

The interview questions may vary from one company to another and it completely depends upon the mindset of the interviewer to ask any question. Hence, you need to prepare yourself for any situation and be positive to face the interview confidently.

This post includes the answers to some interesting software testing interview questions asked by one of our readers.

Read this entire post to prepare yourself for the Software Testing Interview.

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What Does SEI CMM, ISO, IEEE and ANSI Stands For?

What Does SEI CMM, ISO, IEEE and ANSI Stands For

Want to know what is SEI? CMM? ISO? IEEE? ANSI? Will it Help? Why do software and other industries need to get the right certification? Read this tutorial.

In this tutorial, we will discuss the definitions of the terms like SEI, CMM, ISO, IEEE, and ANSI with a detailed explanation.

We will understand how these standards and certifications will be helpful in the software industry.

Let us begin!!

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