Quality Quotient of a Tester: 22 Core Strengths to Be a Good Tester

Quality Quotient Of A Tester

This tutorial gives you a list of characteristic features that anyone must possess to become a good tester. And these features also help a lot in determining the Quality Quotient of a Tester.

But why am I ONLY talking about a Tester? Why not a Developer or any other role?

I just feel that all the work involved in SDLC in delivering software is quite simple when compared to the responsibility of a tester.

The developer’s scope of work is very well defined within a framework, whereas there is no boundary to the effort spent, value-added to the customer, and the scope of the work done by the tester.

The ability, efficiency, and focus of a tester is directly reflected in the product behavior during production.

So, what does it take for anyone to become a Good Software Tester? Let’s find out.

Please note that I do not intend to consider the Developer’s or anyone’s work as low or less important in a project. I’m just taking it as a reference.  

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How to Write Effective Emails to QA (or any) Team [Sample Email Included]

How to Write Effective Emails

What is the first thing we do when we get to work (or sometimes as soon as we wake up)? – Check email, right?  Sometimes we don’t know what our day is going to be like until we read right through each email in the inbox.

In many of our earlier articles, we have highlighted the importance of good Communication Skills to effectively convey your message to your intended audience – one of the important Soft skills for testers.

In this article, we will focus on one specific section of written communication – Email.

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Group Discussion Tips, Topics and Rules: How to Crack a GD

How to Crack a GD

Learn all about what a Group Discussion is and how to Crack a GD in an Interview with these simple GD tips, topics, rules, and skills.

What is a Group Discussion?

A Group Discussion (GD) is a technique used by corporate companies, educational institutes, and other organizations to judge the communication skills of the participant. Communication skills are a crucial factor when compared to technical knowledge in any corporate environment.

Hence, many companies are now making Group discussions as their first criterion for screening candidates before face-to-face interviews. There indeed is a reason for giving importance to GD.

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How To Improve Communication Skills : Proven Strategies

How To Improve Communication Skills

Read this tutorial to find out How to Improve Communication Skills with valuable strategies. Explore some statistics and interesting facts about communication skills:

If you have even seen a job posting, I am positive you have come across good communication skills as one requirement. This is not just for a software testing job but for almost all professions. What is it about good communication that makes it so critical?

The answer is, no one works in solitude. We are all part of a team, big or small. Unless we learn to communicate and communicate well at that, ideas remain unexplored and unshared. Collaboration is truly only possible when we share thoughts and ideas, seek feedback, exchange best practices, etc. We can only achieve all of this through good communication.

In case you ever wonder why communication matters, remember that poor communication can cause disagreements and misunderstandings. Even in interpersonal relations, poor communication makes for higher friction and strained connections.

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