How to Find a Bug in Application? Tips and Tricks

How to Find a Bug in Application

Here you will find some useful suggestions and guidance on How to Find a Bug in Application. Also, understand the different approaches to defect discovery:

Testing is often simplified as a bug-finding activity. Even though that’s not the entire job profile of testers, finding problems before the end users do is the long and short of our core duties. So, should testers worry when they test software and find no defects?

In other words, do zero defects mean no testing occurred? Not true. All testing finds defects. All software has bugs. It is up to the tester’s skill, time available, background information provided, domain knowledge, resources allocated, etc. that influences the question – How to find defects in an application?

It is hard to quantify how to develop the skill of finding defects but be assured that testers get especially better with experience and exposure to various kinds of software systems and their functionality.

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Defect Severity and Priority in Testing with Examples and Difference

Defect Severity and Priority

In this tutorial, you will learn what is Defect Severity and Priority are in testing, and how to set defect priority and severity levels with examples to understand the concept clearly.

We will also cover how to classify the defects under different buckets and their relevance in the Defect Life cycle. We will also cover the crucial role of the classification with a live set of examples.

Filing defects is a very integral part of the Software Testing Life Cycle. Several best practices are defined for effective Defect Reporting over the internet or in organizations.

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Bugzilla Tutorial: Defect Management Tool Hands-on Tutorial

Bugzilla Defect Management Tool

Bugzilla is an open-source Bug tracking tool. Many companies are using this open-source tool for managing the software development process.

Bugzilla is a defect/bug tracking tool. Defect tracking systems allow developers and testers to track all the outstanding defects. Bugzilla can be linked to other testing tools like JIRA, QC or ALM, etc.

Bugzilla is developed in Perl and runs on an MYSQL server.

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10 Reasons Why Your Bugs Are Getting Rejected and What You Can Do for It as a Tester!

Reasons Why Your Bugs are Getting Rejected

If you’re a tester and wondering reasons your bugs are getting rejected, we have compiled a list of 10 reasons and provided some recommendations on how you can improve.

I am not going to spare her. She has rejected 7 bugs, I reported, within the last three days. I know she is using personal grudges as a professional sword.

A teammate was fuming and the discussion suddenly caught fire when a couple of other teammates shared the same experience with other developers. The team meeting turned into a discussion point about bug rejection.

After some discussion, we all did a simple exercise to save ourselves from the humiliation of bug rejection in the future.

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How To Prepare Yourself For Test Case Writing [Productivity Tips]

test case writing

In this article, you will learn in detail how to prepare yourself for test case writing and improve your productivity. Let’s get started. 

When a tester decides to write high-quality test cases and wants to improve their efficiency as well as the productivity of test case writing, there are a few key points that help the testers to achieve these goals.

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How to Write Software Testing Weekly Status Report

Software Testing Weekly Status Report

Writing an Effective Status Report is as important as the actual work you did! How to write an effective status report of your Weekly Work at the end of each week?

This tutorial will offer you some tips on this. A weekly report is important to track the important project issues, accomplishments of the projects, pending work, and Milestone Analysis.

Using these Reports, you can even track the team’s performance to some extent. From this Report, you can prepare future actionable items according to the priorities and make a list of the next week’s actionable.

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How Do You Decide Which Defects are Acceptable for the Software to Go-live?

How Do You Decide Which Defects Are Acceptable For The Software To Go-Live?

While we want to make sure that everyone is working well, defects can still occur. But how do you determine which defects are acceptable before the go-live? Let’s find out.

Software Go-Live is always a big event for any software product. It is important to make sure that everything works and that we are releasing quality software to our users.

A bad, premature, unstable or difficult to use product can cause a lot of losses financially and could also make the user lose trust in the brand itself.

Many times, we hear that testing should be done until we meet the exit criteria and that defects have to be fixed to an acceptable level.

While these are great sounding guidelines, they are vague.

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Live Project Bug Tracking, Test Metrics, and Test Sign off – Free QA Training Day 6

Live Project Bug Tracking, Test Metrics, and Test Sign off

This is the concluding part of our “Software Testing training on a live project” series.

It is going to be about defects and also a few remaining topics that will mark the completion of the Test Execution phase of the STLC.

In the previous article, while Test Execution was going on, we encountered a situation where the expected result of the test case was not met. Also, we identified some unexpected behavior during Exploratory Testing.

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Sample Bug Report: Format, Template and Examples (UPDATED)


This tutorial explains the Sample Bug Report Template field with examples and explanations to give you an exact idea of how to report a Bug:

If all building/development practices result in perfect systems and solutions, there is nothing left to question and validate. However, that is rarely true. Many things go wrong to various degrees and that warrants thorough verification and validation testing to ensure things are in order.

Enter systematic software testing and bug/defect reporting. Bug or Defect reports are part and parcel of a tester’s day-to-day life. We create defects, assign defects, retest fixed defects, find defect root causes, categorize defects per functionality, reference defects in our conversations, etc.

So, it is understandably a very important part of a tester’s job profile.

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